Within Chatham-Kent the 401 and sections of Highway 40 are maintained by the MTO.
The portions of the highways maintained by the province are:

Highway 401

  • All of Highway 401 as well as the "on" and "off" ramps

Highway 40

  • The Intersection of Hwy 401 and Hwy 40, north to the intersection of Longwoods and Hwy 40 (east limits of Chatham)
  • From just south of Pioneer Line (north limits of the Community of Chatham) to just south of the intersection of Base Line Road and Hwy 40 (south limits of Wallaceburg)
  • From just west of Walnut Drive (west limits of Wallaceburg) to the intersection of Dufferin Avenue and Hwy 40 and north to the intersection of Hwy 40 and Whitebread Line

Maintenance concerns to MTO's contractor Emcon Services at 1.866.259.8932.

You can visit Public Works Road Maintenance on our website for more information.