Weed and Long Grass By-Laws
Chatham-Kent uses both the Weed Control Act and Chatham-Kent's Long Grass and Weed Height By-Law to control long grass and weeds on private property. These measures serve to protect public health and maintain property standards, as well as the farming and horticultural industries by preventing the spread of noxious weeds.
The Long Grass and Weed Height By-Law is enforced from April 1 through to November 1.  All properties not subject to the Weed Control Act must cut the grass and weeds on their property when it exceeds 20 centimeters or 8 inches.
What is the Role of the Public Works Department?
  • If a property is in violation, a notice of infraction under the Long Grass and Weed Height By-Law will be issued to the property owner, allowing 3 days to make the premises conform to the requirements.
  • If the property is still in violation after the 3 day period, Public Works will arrange to have the property cut. All costs and an administration fee for each cut will be charged against the land in taxes as stated in the by-law.
  • Only one notice per property, per year, is given. For further violations in the year, Public Works will proceed straight to a property cut. 
To report a property in violation create a service request, call 519-360-1998 or email